Course curriculum

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    • 5 Challenges Couples Face after an Affair

    • Betrayal First Aid

    • Understanding the Why in Betrayal: Mapping the Sexual and Developmental Blueprint

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    Week 1: Session 1 Understanding the Research Around Betrayal

    • Learning Objectives and Outline

    • Session 1 slides

    • Session 1 Video

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    Session 2 Betrayal Shock

    • Learning Objectives and Outline

    • Session 2 Slides

    • Session 2 Video

    • Mapping the Why Homework

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    Session 3 Creating a Safety Plan

    • Learning Objectives and Outline

    • Session 3 Slides

    • Session 3 Video

    • Safety Check In Explanation Video

    • Safety Check In

    • Agreements and Principles of Couples Therapy

    • Week 3 Mapping the Why Homework

    • Managing Secrets: Extended Discussion

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    Session 4 Creating a Working Alliance

    • Learning Objectives and Outline

    • Session 4 Slides

    • Week 4 Mapping the Why Homework

    • Session 4 Video

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    Session 5 Co-Regulation and Self-Care

    • Learning Objectives and Outline

    • Lesson 5 Slides

    • Week 5 -Mapping the Why - Relationship Profiles

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    Session 6 Working with the Betrayer

    • Learning Objectives and Outline

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    Session 7 Disclosures and Impact Statements

    • Learning Objectives and Outline

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    Session 8 The 5 Stages of working with Betrayal

    • Learning Objectives and Outline

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    Demonstration Videos

    • Betrayal Assessment Part 1

    • Betrayal Assessment Part 2

    • Betrayal Session 2

    • Betrayal Session 5