Course curriculum

  • 1

    Fight Stopping, Engaging the Avoider & Soothing the Pursuer

    • How to stop a fight immediately: the 4 Horsemen

    • The Advanced Appreciation Dialogue: Bringing avoiders and pursuers together

    • Infographics

    • Module 1 Notes

  • 2

    Attuning Couples Therapy to the Relational Brain Model

    • Cycle of Relationship

    • Gottman Research

    • Connection Windows

    • Module 1 Notes

  • 3

    Managing the Couple Dyad: Up and Down Regulating

    • The Relationship Check In: Keeping the connection strong

    • The Daily Dialogue

  • 4

    Implementing Therapeutic Change from Insight into Action

    • Simple Appreciation Handout

    • Guide to Relationship Check In