Course curriculum

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    What Divorcers Wish They Knew

    • What Divorcers Wish They Knew Introduction

    • What Divorcers Wish They Knew Course Content

    • What Divorcers Wish They Knew Course Content Continuted

    • Why do others waste a ton of money and divorce anyway? Learn how to get the most out of relationship counseling.

    • Download the App

    • What are the benefits of couples counseling? Of taking a relationship course?

    • Why doesn't our partner doesn't want to go to therapy?

    • Specific strategies to encourage your partner to attend couples counseling

    • What are the two most important components of couples therapy success?

    • What is couples counseling really like?

    • Why Come to Couples Therapy?

    • Why not just pick up a Brene Brown or John Gottman book and save all the money?

    • Why come to couples therapy for smaller problems? Why not wait until later to fix the problem?

    • What happens when couples begin to fight? And how does couples therapy help?

    • Why come to couples therapy for smaller problems? Why not wait until later to fix the problem?

    • I’m in a new relationship, things are great, should I come to therapy?

    • Sometimes I've heard that couples counseling frequently fails, is that true?

    • Why do you need a couples therapist - what difference does it make?

    • What is the difference between a couples and an individual therapist?

    • How do I find the right relationship and marriage therapist for me?

    • Are counselors effective who have some experience in several couples modalities, but are not certified?

    • Commonly, one partner, or the other feels attacked by the couples therapist. Why is this?

    • What is the problem with doing couples therapy with your individual therapist?

    • What is the role of secrets and alliances between the couple and the therapist in deciding to meet individually?

    • A couple comes in for therapy and things are getting better, how long should they stay in therapy? And how do they know when they've done enough?

    • How does childhood development affect adult romantic relationships?

    • Do couples need ongoing help with their relationship?

    • How do therapist demographics such as gender affect therapy?

    • Does the therapist's appearance matter in the course of therapy?

    • Does the therapist's religion matter? What is the value of going within your faith community?

    • Developing hope is a primary goal of couples therapy.

    • Final Thoughts

    • Comparing Imago relationship Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy and Gottman Method Therapy

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    How to use Relate Unlimited

    • Step by Step Instructions

Steven Dromgool

Steven's desire is to empower couples with tools to communicate effectively so that they can feel safe, loved and desired. He is keen to work with couples preparing for marriage to help them avoid years of unnecessary pain and disappointment by building love well in the first place.

Counselor Trainer and Director of Relate Relationship and Couples Counselling NZ

Steven Dromgool

Steven is Oceania's is the founder and clinical Director at Relate, New Zealand’s largest Relationship and Marriage Therapy Team. After his own marriage failed Steven started traveling around the world to train under experts including Harville Hendrix, John and Julia Gottman, Stan Tatkin, Maya Kollman, Ellen and Peter Bader-Pearson, Sue Johnson, Terry Real and Esther Perel. He has been actively involved in promoting and linking therapeutic and brain science insights to produce more powerful and integrated connection solutions. Steven led the Relate team in developing an integrated approach to working with couples called PORT (Presence Oriented Relationship Therapy). During Covid Steven and the team have been focussed on developing online resources to help resource couples around the world in times of stress.