Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Getting Started

  • 2

    On Being Human and Mental Health

    • Hueristics and Mental Health

    • Self esteem trap

    • Anxiety and being human

    • Peeling Onions, criticism, and compliments

  • 3

    The Human Condition

    • Expansion Contraction and freedom

    • Time and change

    • Inner Tension

  • 4

    Tools to learn about yourself

    • True self and real self

    • Needs, wants and Values Create self worth

    • Erik Homburger and Identity

    • Co-creating meaning in life with I/Thou

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    Emotions: Our Super Powers

    • Chickens and Human Emotions

    • Thoughts on Male emotions

    • Autonomic Nervous System and being a super hero

    • Frustration

    • Managing Emotion Shading

    • Schacter and Understanding Emotions

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    Finding Peace

    • Of Worms and God

    • Envy and the Comodification of the self

    • Building an exciting, safe and connected life

    • Managing inner tension

    • Johari Window

    • Ego, identity and Developing Intimacy

    • Introjection and the false self

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    Understanding What We Do

    • Dopamine and Variable Reinforcement schedules

    • I / Thou and Managing our Motivation

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    Sleep Skills

    • Sleep routine example

    • Sleep hygiene discussion

    • Sleep Skill reading

    • Sleep Basics

    • Sleep Skill heart and breath meditation

    • Sleep behavior

    • Sleep Skill Cartesian theater

    • Sleep Skill worry notes

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    • The benefits of non-judgemental mindfulness

    • Mindfulness and Judgements

    • Tallyark mindfulness

    • Counting Meditation

    • Mindfulness of the Present Gives You Freedom

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    How to use Relate Unlimited

    • Step by Step Instructions

    • Download the App